Starfleet Patches
Updated: Mar 23, 2023
Starfleet Departments

Deep Space Exploratory Corps.

Starfleet Command

Tactical Command

Operational Command

Medical Command

Applied Sciences

Corps. of Engineers

Office of Intelligence

J.A.G. Corps

Merchant Service

Adv. Starship Design Bureau

Fleet Modernization Program

Elite Joint Ops. Command
United Federation of Planets

Office of the President

Department of the Exterior

Federation Diplomatic Corps.

Starfleet Academy

Earth Spacedock

Utopia Planitia

Jupiter Station

Memory Alpha

Deep Space 9

Space Station K-7

Starbase 24

Starbase 39-Sierra

Starbase 114

Heart of Unity
Starship Development Patches

Akira Class

Alita Class

Ambassador Class

Andromeda Class

Armitage Class

Avenger Class

Defiant Class

Dervish Class

Endeavour Class

Excalibur Class

Galaxy Class

Intrepid Class

Luna Class

Manticore Class

Nova Class

Odyssey Class

Olympic Class

Pathfinder Class

Prometheus Class

Regent Class

Sojourner Class

Sentinel Class

Sovereign Class

Valley Forge Class

USS Valley Forge I

USS Valley Forge II

Vesta Class

Yamato Class

Yorktown Class
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