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ST:TTV115 | "Growing Pains"

Writer's picture: LegacyLegacy

Updated: Mar 18, 2023

Stardate Unknown

Both Roroa and Wanda heard nothing of the chaos going on elsewhere on this planet. It would seem the two were on the other side of a mountain compared to the majority of the other survivors. Perhaps that was their fortune for they were avoiding a lot of the dangerous encounters the others came across or perhaps it was misfortune considering that it was better to be in numbers.


Both Roroa and Wanda heard nothing of the chaos going on elsewhere on this planet. It would seem the two were on the other side of a mountain compared to the majority of the other survivors. Perhaps that was their fortune for they were avoiding a lot of the dangerous encounters the others came across or perhaps it was misfortune considering that it was better to be in numbers. Although Wanda was a friendly substitute Roroa no doubt wanted to see some familiar faces, to know that some of her friends have survived. Wanda probably wanted another person who was more fit for this type of survival than a child by her side.

Carrying that heavy container made their rest spots frequent. When the second one happened, Roroa went over to a tree and did her best with what she had on her to leave a marking upon it that looked like a combadge pointing in the direction they were traveling. This surprised Wanda, having not considered doing so, and when they stopped for the third time Wanda asked her where she learned to do that.

"I didn't.. I guess just now on this planet. Seemed like a smart thing to do for-"

She was interrupted by a local creature that was hanging in the tree. It had a child with it and appeared to be in the midst of waking up. Having never seen such creatures before, the local animal wasn't entirely terrified of Roroa and Wanda. But it was alone and carrying a child so it wasn't about to endanger her child for her curiosity. But as Roroa turned around to continue on their trek the creature silently followed them, moving from tree to tree in its pursuit, wanting to see what they were up to.

"Funny looking thing isn't it? Like a frog gerbil."

"I thought it looked more like a miniature naked ostrich and a lizard."

"It didn't have a beak though."

"Oh yeah.."

As it continued to follow at a distance and as it went it seemed to draw the attention of the other creatures similar to it that were resting in the trees or otherwise preoccupied with their routine up until then. They were stealthy and quiet, neither of the two noticed the amass of creatures. They were cautious though and observing the two Humanoids. The terrain was steadily gaining altitude and a mountain came into view quite abruptly because of the quantity of jungle blocking the view. Both Roroa and Wanda felt like this was their good fortune just at the moment when their was a crumbling to the ground below Wanda's feet who was leading the walk. The ground caved in and nearly took Roroa with her due to their duo carrying on the container.


There was no reply. Well. There was reply but not from Wanda. The creatures that had been pursuing were now making quite the ruckus. Roroa spun around to see at least three dozen of the creatures mixed between the trees and slowly inching forward towards the young girl. A good number of them watched while the males of the species and the youth trying to prove themselves rushed forward. They made a screeching sound followed by loud clicking noises that echoed through the jungle and sent chills throughout Roroa's body.

"GO AWAY!" Roroa shouted out!

Causing them to pause momentarily. Then they resumed their screeching and loud clicking then rushed forward again after a brief tint of fear ceased their momentum. Roroa didn't know what they wanted with her or if Wanda was alright or if she was going to be alright without the adult guiding her, caring for her, survival she believed was impossible by herself. But right now she had to protect herself and pulled the phaser from her belt. She didn't know what setting it was on and fired it off in the direction of the creatures. They screeched and froze! She missed but the combination of the sound, visual, and burn it left on the ground put much more fear into them than a young girl's shout. They bolted back into the trees and Roroa fired again to encourage they keep their distance from her, missing once more or intentionally not hitting the creatures, they continued to run until she could no longer see any of them, for now..

She placed the phaser back onto her belt and rushed back to where Wanda vanished from. Roroa got down onto her knees and carefully leaned over to peek down into this spontaneous hole. It was deep. So much so that she could not see the bottom. She called out her name and there was no response. Just the response of her voice echoing through the hole's walls and crumbling of the earth still dropping to the bottom. She called out again. A second time. A third time. Nothing.

She couldn't stay here. Those creatures would be back or worse off the sounds they were making would attract something bigger and less scared of a little girl and her poorly aimed phaser shots. Roroa sniffled a little bit and wiped her eyes. She moved over to the container and tried lifting it herself but it was too heavy for her. But she did manage to drag it off to the side. She opened up the container and took what she could attach to her backpack but the solar energy device was what was the main cause of the weight. She sealed the container back up and covered it up with jungle debris and then made a mark into the tree to remind her of the spot.

The sounds of the jungle moving from a distant approaching creature or worse, creatures, told Roroa she had to continue alone. She bound off quickly towards the mountain, moving much faster than she had before because of the lack of the heavy container, still as she begun to go uphill she found it hard to do so at a steady pace. It was exhausting plus the jungle terrain begun to scarce because of the mountain which meant she was lacking cover from and predator creatures out there. She kept glancing back to make sure something wasn't leaping out at her and she couldn't very well wield her phaser and climb a mountain at the same time. Roroa had to pause and take out her tricorder..

"How do I find a cave on this thing.." She didn't know at all how to do that, Wanda would of, any adult would of been able to had they served on the Gainsborough. Or so she thought at first but memory came back to her.

I remember! Arita was telling me about it one morning when we were eating breakfast and she had just come back from an away mission. Who would have thought having a sister who is a geologist nerd would be helpful? I just need to change the screen display overlay by this button here. She held the tricorder out a bit as it ran its scans then brought it back to her. There was a small cave to her left a bit away and a bigger one further up the mountain. She didn't know however if the two cave were connected somehow or what kind of lifeforms she might expect inside the cave since the scans couldn't tell her that until she was within the cave. She sighed softly and begun her trek once again, now towards the smaller of the caves.

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