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Orion Space Navy

Writer's picture: LegacyLegacy

Updated: Mar 13, 2023


The OSN in the 25th century is an organization reborn to the founding principles of the formerly disbanded OSN as it was in the 22nd / 23rd century - Before the age of Syndicate dominance and the eventual downfall of the Orion power bases in the sector. Following the gradual demise of the Syndicate over the preceding century, and a steady return to stability for the once proud and haughty High Orion caste; the OSN was officially reformed in 2412 with the commissioning of it's new shipyards on Narris II. New alliances formed with the ever stretched Klingon Empire presented the ideal opportunity for the OSN to re-establish it's name and so the organization poured all available resources into the expedited completion of it's first new starship - the Morakos class SNV [Space Navy Vessel] Thana Vaneri //Translation: 'Extended Honour'//. This new class of ship took a severe tangent from established Orion design philosophies, with the OSN's attempt to more closely mirror Starfleet and KDF styles - both established organizations being revered by the OSN leadership and acting in some capacity as models for the OSN vision. In 2417, the OSN began to push it's political presence as it forged a formal relationship with Free Orion State to unify the two independent entities. With the new unified Orion front they then began to press the matter with the galactic powers around them with a view to establishing themselves as a recognized galactic power - taking example largely from the Romulan Republic. With the goal to ultimately establish themselves as equals to the Republic, Federation and Empire; the OSN first pushed this new political action with their already well established allies in the Klingon Empire while increasing their level of co-operation with Starfleet at every given opportunity. Organization Whilst initially holding to it's ancient heritage of being a High Orion organization; the OSN leadership - known as the Tabadi's Circle - was quick to recognize the changed times for the Orion people in the 25th century and so the controversial decision was made to appoint a former slave as CO of the newly commissioned Thana Vaneri at it's launch in 2416. Tabadi Mysti was selected for the role after proving a veteran of circa 20 years with the still surviving Explorers Guild, and having already become an established name within the allied Klingon forces. Mysti's appointment also served to strengthen the bond between the OSN and the Explorer's Guid, whilst additionally increasing awareness of the reborn organization within the rapidly growing liberated slave population. Following a successful introduction to the organization by Tabadi Mysti, the Tabadi's Circle quickly recognized that in order to achieve their desired levels of reform they would need to continue along this path and it was not long before more Orion's of lower birth were welcoming into the OSN hierarchy. Whilst many of these fresher recruits joined directly as 'Morl's [crewman], some were welcomed in at higher ranks all the way up to additional Tabadi's. Tabadi's Circle

Currently consisting of 15 members, the Tabadi's Circle functions like a combination of an admiralty board and a senate. Prior to the formation of the OSN, each Tabadi was the leader of their own group which ranged from a single ship to a High Orion Family to an entire Syndicate cell. The original Tabadi combined their power bases to create the unified force known today as the Orion Space Navy. Most Tabadi still personally oversee the operation of their section of the OSN. They are not given specific mandates, however, some such as Tabadi Tayri gravitate towards certain aspects, in her case trade and finance. The Tabadi's Circle do not have a single leader elevated above the rest, and instead decisions are reached through majority vote, with members of the Circle always in odd numbers to ensure such an outcome. With the exception of the original nine, Tabadi are appointed by the Circle. In order to maintain the odd number, leaders of groups seeking to join the OSN must first go through an initiation period where they answer to another Tabadi. Once a second candidate can be found, both leaders are given a spot in the Tabadi's Circle. A Tabadi can leave the Circle through several means: resignation, being voted out of the Circle by over 80% of its members, or becoming physically or mentally incapable of carrying out their duties. For the latter, a vote by the Circle is still required (unless the incapacity is due to death), the primary difference is that this vote is called by doctors who put can put forth evidence of the Tabadi's inability. When a Tabadi leaves the Circle for any reason, their protege succeeds to the Circle. If the exiting Tabadi did not train a particular successor or if the Circle votes against the protege as well, then a new Tabadi is chosen from someone else with sufficient experience within that Tabadi's command. A replacement Tabadi is always chosen from someone who has worked under the previous Tabadi so that the Circle maintains a person with similar points of view. This is meant to keep the opinions of the Circle in balance as well as to dissuade power plays by those who want more people with their perspectives in positions of authority. The following special circumstances also exist. If the Circle must appoint a replacement Tabadi but cannot reach a majority vote as they are now an even number, then the exiting Tabadi may cast a vote. If the exiting Tabadi is not able to do so (e.g. being deceased), then their subordinates cast a vote among themselves and the result is then taken as the Tabadi's vote. This is extremely rare and has not yet occurred, as most Tabadi choose to train proteges. Current rules also state that if a Tabadi is forced out of the Circle by a vote not pertaining to their health, then the Circle can opt to reintegrate all their subordinates among the command of others through a unanimous vote. Following such an action, a new Tabadi can be chosen from other OSN members with leadership experience. This drastic measure has never been enacted, and is only present as a contingency against internal unrest, specifically against the development of extremely radical views.

Ranks & Uniforms

The overall look of the reformed OSN is a much cleaner and uniform appearance more commonly associated with Starfleet or the Romulan Republic. With inspiration taken from their strongest allies at the time of the reform - the Klingon Empire - as well as their own modern heritage, the standard uniform of the OSN presents a dark and sleek appearance with the addition of the more familiar ornate shoulder pads and traditional Klingon spine armour. The various ranks within the organization are depicted by the shoulderpads, with Morl's not wearing any; and subsequent ranks gaining increasingly more ornate adornments up to the triple spike of the Elt and eventual tiara, or crown, of the Tabadi. It is presently unconfirmed, but believed, that some officers wear a ceremonial dagger on their hip not because it forms part of their uniform but rather eludes to a matter of personal heritage - likely among the former slaves - as it represents the ancient Orion art of blade dancing.

//Left to Right: Morl [Crewman], Magren [Operator], Delbaj [Lieutenant], Elt / Tabadi [CO / Matriarch]//

Ground Forces

The OSN's primary strength lies with its starships, and it is on that front where the newly fledgling naval force sees the majority of its engagements. However, the OSN possesses its own contingent of forces dedicated to boots on the ground combat. These soldiers have little formal training, but make up for it with extensive experience as many of them were former mercenaries. They answer to commanders called Delbaj, which is considered different from the officer rank of the same name despite holding near-identical status. Occasionally, the term Delbaj Ukto is used to differentiate between the two. A shipboard Delbaj has the authority to give orders to ground troops, but these orders can be overridden by the Delbaj Ukto. A ship captain may also directly command soldiers, and cannot be overruled by any Delbaj. OSN ground troops maintain the black-grey colour scheme of the officer uniforms, but are less clean cut. Instead of a sleek, modern look, the armour of the soldiers invoke the style of ancient Orion warriors. This design is likely inspired by Klingon uniforms from the past century, which have a rougher and more traditional feel.

//Left to Right: Masg [Recruit], Jul Ukto [Foot Soldier], Etas Ukto [Elite Soldier], Delbaj [Lieutenant]//

The most skilled among the soldiers are given special equipment and assigned as Sentinels or Shock Troopers. Sentinels wear protective armour and at times even don personal shield generators. They are tasked with guarding important locations such as OSN Headquarters and also serve as bodyguards to members of the Tabadi's Circle. Sentinels are rarely seen outside OSN territory; where they are seen, they often work in smaller escort squads or elite security teams. Shock Troopers on the other hand are purely offensive fighters who forgo much of their armour to carry additional supplies and ammunition. Unlike Sentinels, most Shock Troopers are integrated with regular units, and Shock Trooper squads are generally temporary formations in the face of particularly difficult situations.

Recently under the instruction of Tabadi Emeria, the OSN has begun training what are known as Ghosts. These specialized ground troops are meant to make extensive use of transporter technology to capture strategic locations, flank enemy forces or neutralize key threats, then disappear before they take too much fire. Ghosts work in pairs of two, a Ghost Operative with honed combat skills in the field, and a Ghost Operator in a ship or base meticulously calculating and executing the high amount of transportations required to pull off their maneuvers. Currently, the first batch of Ghosts have not yet completed training, and the effectiveness of this strategy cannot be testified.

//Left to Right: Sentinel, Shock Trooper, Ghost Operative, Ghost Operator//


As a result of numerous long standing partnerships; the OSN boasts a technological level comparable to that of the Empire or of Starfleet. This is most notable in the clean and crisp presentation of their newly constructed facilities and starships which visiting dignitaries seldom pass through without a complementary comment. Their new fleet construction was owed in no small part to the commissioning of the KDF design team who spearheaded the Negh'Var development. This is most apparent in the OSN's flagship Morakos class is it boasts similar proportions and capabilities as it's KDF base. The OSN's technological development has not only been constrained to their fleet however; the organization has reformed every facet of it's operation with meticulous attention to detail. This approach has paid dividends in seeing their operational officers armed with highly focused disruptor weapons and supported by Starfleet-inspired tricorders and holographic wristcomp's [believed to be built in to the gauntlets worn with all uniform variants].


In a time when even the strongest of galactic powers struggle to resource their rebuilding efforts in the wake of devastating conflicts; the OSN faces a continued struggle even to this day as they attempt to forge their new fleet. The organization suffered a serious blow following the launch of it's flagship - the Thana Vaneri - as the Narris II shipyards were laid to waste by a rogue Syndicate cell, presumably in retaliation for the OSN's reform. This did not phase the organization however and within a year they had established a new orbital facility and began construction of a second entirely new vessel - the smaller 'Slethi' class frigate.

//Slethi prototype under construction at the Narris II orbital facility//

With as much focus as the relatively infantile organization had on continuing it's line of proud new - state of the art - vessels, the OSN knew it could never operate with those alone and so continued to supplement it's regular activity with a more typical blend of liberated and salvaged starships of all varieties. Though the exact strength of the OSN fleet is unknown [due in no small part to the ever fluctuating status of it's outsourced ships], it is estimated to represent a significant combined force ranging from light attack craft through a variety of specialized vessels to larger carriers.

In addition to it's fleet, the OSN boasts the rapidly developing Narris system [including the orbital station and shipyards], as well as allied colony worlds such as that of the ever growing 'Free Orion State'. Additional allied assets are rumored to include some freelance salvage and mining operations and an unconfirmed source of funding from the Ferengi Alliance.


Whilst due to the aforementioned variation in OSN vessel styles during their infancy; two distinct classes of pure OSN design are presently known:

Morakos Class | Heavy Cruiser

The Morakos (Shadow-Killer) class cruiser is the first new vessel design to come from an Orion origin in over a century; truly a testament to the free Orion people's sociological evolution as a partner of increasing power within the Klingon Empire, this new vessel pays homage to it's KDF heritage in it's design and is named after this local predatory wildlife as testament to the fact that it is the first Orion cruiser to boast stealth capabilities. With a design re-purposed and re-styled by the Orion people from the baseline of the older KDF Negh'Var warships, thanks to the aid of the Negh'Var's original design team who worked closely with Orion space vehicle architects from Narris II and Dyson engineers on the Morakos, this class still bears the distinctive elongated neck and forward personnel area of a typical KDF design, whilst being completed by the more lavish styling of an Orion eye and the technological capability of the Dyson range of cruisers.

Slethi Class | Frigate

The Slethi (Winged-Torturer) class frigate of High Orion design is built using the same technology and aesthetics as the Orion Space Navy's (OSN) first construction; the Morakos-class. Following the destruction of the Narris II shipyards, plans for a second Morakos-class vessel was put on hold due to the lack of facilities and resources. The Tabadi's Circle elected not to cease production entirely during the rebuilding of the shipyards and decided to create the Slethi class: SNV Kayeri Vaj, a smaller (and thus cheaper) vessel in the new Orion style. This new ship bears the visually attractive exterior and interior decoration of the flagship Morakos but streamlines the layout for its function as a warship.

Boasting firepower equivalent to that of a Starfleet Defiant-class escort, the Slethi is a force to be reckoned with despite its small size. In addition to its armaments, the class incorporates New World technology, with the first utilizing a deflector salvaged from a Colonial Fleet vessel destroyed above Narris II. The deflector can manipulate its environment to a magnitude equal to if not greater than that of modern Starfleet designs, and combined with the relatively low power output of a frigate, allows signature masking to be much more effective.

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