Updated: Mar 29, 2023

![]() CMDR |
CO | USS Venator |
KY-169-2401 STX |
Denobulan |
Female |
57696.7 [12 September 2380] |
Altair IV |
5'7" |
134lbs |
Variable |
Red |
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2400 | Enrolled in Starfleet Academy as an engineering cadet
2404 | Graduated Starfleet Academy with major in Warp Drive Systems and minor in Damage Control, took posting to Deep Space K-7
2405 | Transferred to U.S.S. Waterloo, then to U.S.S. Radiant following the attack on the Waterloo
2407 | Promoted to rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade
2410 | Promoted to rank Lieutenant
2414 | Pulled from active service for counselling following the destruction of the Radiant in the defence of Una II
2415 | Returned to active service and posted to U.S.S. Gainsborough
2416 | Appointed Assistant Chief Engineer. Assisted in the evacuation of the Gainsborough during destruction of the ship by Species 2492 and reassigned as Chief Engineer of the U.S.S. Valley Forge. Later promoted to Lieutenant Commander
Originally a physics student at the University of Alpha Centauri, Keliaya decided to pursue a more practical career after her parents and a significant portion of her family were killed when the freighter they travelled on was destroyed by a quantum filament. Wanting to prevent such incidents from happening, she dropped out and instead enrolled in Starfleet Academy to become an engineer.
Keliaya studied at the academy on Earth for four years, during which she was given the nickname 'Kelly' for ease of reference. This was also when she met her husband, Levon Xali, an Eledri Starfleet psychiatrist (then a cadet). Levon graduated a year earlier and was posted to Deep Space K-7, and Kelly took a posting there as well. She served there for a year but Levon convinced her to follow her desires, which was to serve on a starship.
The two thus transferred to the Ambassador-class U.S.S. Waterloo (which was posted in the region), with Keliaya serving as an engineer and Levon as a shipboard counselor. When things seemed to go exactly as they had dreamed, the Klingon War broke out and the Waterloo was attacked, resulting in the death of Levon. The memories were too much for Kelly to bear, and so she transferred once again, this time to the Defiant-class U.S.S. Radiant.
Being a small ship, the Radiant crew were a tight-knit group. They helped Keliaya overcome the loss of her husband and she grew very close to them, coming to consider them family. She even became romantically involved with the first officer of the ship, Lieutenant Commander Hana Lai. Kelly served with the Radiant for over nine years and was promoted twice, to the rank of lieutenant.
In mid-2414, the Radiant was patrolling the Orion sector and was one of the ships that responded to the Iconian invasion of Una II. The vessel was destroyed in the fighting, with Kelly being one of the few survivors on the single escape pod that made it out. Blaming herself for not being able to bring the shields back online in time, Kelly was taken out of action and into counseling for the remainder of the war.
When Keliaya was brought back into active service, she chose the U.S.S. Gainsborough, an Odyssey-class vessel with a large crew compliment, as she wanted to stay emotionally distant from her colleagues for fear of losing them. She has also become incredibly protective of the ship and crew she serves on, determined not to have her past history repeat again. Keliaya's dedication allowed her to evacuate over 98% of the Gainsborough's on-duty engineering crew during its loss at the hands of Species 2492.
Having been determined as fit for duty, Keliaya immediately took a posting as Chief Engineer on board the U.S.S. Valley Forge, the ship tasked with locating and rescuing any survivors from the Gainsborough still stranded in uncharted space.
Phloben | Astronomer; Deceased [Paternal]
Yelauna | Biomedical Engineer; Deceased [Maternal]
Levon Xali | Starfleet Counselor; Deceased [Husband]
Eklara | Archaeologist; Deceased [Half-Sibling]
Hallox | Student; Deceased [Half-Sibling]
