Fireteam: Mnemosyne

Ghost Fragment: Fall of Fireteam: Mnemosyne.
/This is commander Zavala ordering all Fireteams to abandon the Moon we are losing to many guardians to that creature/
/Commander Zavala this is Serkin-4 of fireteam Mnemosyne we cant leave our fireteam leader Aisa ghost as been heavily damaged and cannot transmat her to her ship so we are staying behind and we will burn as bright and hot as the sun as we take thousands of these dammed hive with us and maybe even get a shot at the dammed monster if we have the chance ./
/i have lost my connection to commander Zavala./ came the now damaged ghosts voice.
"dont worry about it little friend we will just have to make our stand here... its been a fun ride."
/ that it has i am happy you were my Guardian./
the rest of the log has been corrupted.
the guardian on the left is my human Hunter called: Kayla Wither.
the Guardian on the right is my Exo Titan called: Serkin-4
and the middle guardian is my Awoken Warlock called: Aisa Zan.
The Breaking Dawn
Legendary Rocket Launcher
belongs to Serkin-4
damage type: arc.
Intrinsic: High-Impact Frame: Slow firing, and high damage. This weapon is more accurate when stationary and aiming down sights.
Sight / Barrel.
Confined Launch: This weapon's launch parameters are particularly stable.
Greatly increases Stability.
Increases Blast Radius.
Decreases projectile speed.
Magazine / Battery.
Black Powder - This weapon's explosives are more effective.
Slightly increases blast radius
Decreases stability
Kill Clip - Reloading after a kill grants increased damage.
Aisa and Kayla say they hate how loud of a boom this things makes especially now down here in this hell hole of a moon since it keeps attracting more hive but i think it works wonders in cleaning them out aswell. though i can understand Aisa concern since she no longer has a ghost take care of any wounds she takes though she seems to be doing very well after her sword broke to one of those big Knights i would even go on to says she become more closed of which i can somewhat understand since she did ask us to run when we had the chance. But Kayla and me said that we where a fireteam and we stand together until whatever end awaits us here in the darkness of Hellmouth .

the onset of despair
Legendary Fusion Rifle.
Belongs to Serkin-4
damage type: solar.
Rapid-Fire Frame - Deeper ammo reserves. Slightly faster reload when magazine is empty.
Sight / Barrel.
Smallbore - Dual strength barrel.
Increases Range.
Increases Stability.
Magazine / Battery.
Accelerated Coils - Speeds up charge.
Faster charge time
Decreases impact damage
Snapshot Sights - Faster time to aim down sights.
i.. we have lost track of time since coming down here and there is so very little light left and lyrica even in her damaged state still persist in healing me she is a good friend that little light she even got stoic Kayla to laugh. i think Aisa needed to hear that her since she has begun talking to herself when she thinks we are to distracted and her trusty hand cannon has begun to change. though that has begun to happen to most of our weapons though Aisa seems to be the least worried even says its not something we should be corncerned about.

The Grasp of Serkin-4
Exotic Auto rifle belongs to Serkin-4
Damage: Kinetic
Banned Weapon - This weapon fires a 3-round burst.
Sight / Barrel.
Hammer-Forged Rifling - Durable ranged barrel.
Increases Range.
Magazine / Battery.
Armor-Piercing Rounds - Rounds cause extra damage to shields and overpenetrate targets.
Slightly increases Range.
Short-Action Stock - This weapon is especially easy to grip.
Greatly increases Handling Speed.
Trait 1.
Precision kills greatly decrease reload time.
Exotic Trait.
Dark remedy.
Precision Kills with weapon heals the wielder and causes a small explosion of void damage.
i am sorry little light.
Lyrica was emptied of light by Aisa some time ago same for Kayla and her ghost rither as offerings to Mother Savathun. she has asked us to be her eyes in the system and if needed by her poison for crota and his spawn.
heard Ir yut singing early i think that someone else came down here i think i recognised the screams of despair from Eris Morn and Kayla says she saws other following the clever little warlock Toland
the rest of the text is written in some unknown dialect.

the rising Dawn
Legendary Linear Fusion rifle belongs to Kayla
damage type: solar.
Fires a long-range precision energy bolt. This weapon's recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
Sight / Barrel.
Smallbore - Dual strength barrel.
Increases Range.
Increases Stability.
Magazine / Battery.
Strong battery life. Increases magazine size.
Snapshot Sights - Faster time to aim down sights.
Serkin does not know the meaning of Stealth with her dammed rocket Launcher but i does help keep Aisa safe even though they both said i should have joined Zavala and the rest in retreating but the way i see it i could not leave my disfuntional family behind after everything we have been though.
i wish the Consensus had listend to Lord Shaxx and that i had chosen to try and talk Aisa out of going.

The Fanged Huntress.
Legendary Scout rilfe belongs to Kayla
Damage type: Kinetic.
High-Impact Frame- Slow firing, and high damage. This weapon is more accurate when stationary and aiming down sights.
Sight / Barrel.
Cleanshot IS- Snapshot sight. Short zoom. Increases handling speed. Slightly increases range.
Magazine / Battery.
Flared Magwell- Increases Reload speed.
Polymer Grip-This weapon's grip is made of lighter material. Increases handling speed.
Trait 1.
Explosive Payload- Projectiles create area of effect detonation on impact.
Aisa keeps mumbling to herself i am worried and the same goes for Rither who says i should tell how i feel about before its to late down here. i dont think want to be on my mind if she should die she does look amazing with that sword she picked up from one of the hive knights says its feels right in her hand she has even gone to say its feels better then her old one which breaks my heart since gave it to her.
i am getting worried for us this hell hole is changing us Serkin and me alot slower then Aisa she has begun to grow what looks like Hive feature on her armor,
i wish we had never come here i just want to be back at the bar in tower with the rest of our friends like Eriana or Pahanin. Or even out and exploring the old russian cosmodrome with Serkin and Aisa.

the Voice of Aisa
Exotic Sniper-rifle belongs to Kayla
Damage: Void
Aggressive Frame - High damage, high recoil.
Sight / Barrel.
Corkscrew Rifling - Balanced barrel. Slightly increases range and stability. Slightly increases handling speed.
Magazine / Battery.
Accurized Rounds - This weapon can fire long distances.
Fitted Stock - This stock makes the weapon stable but heavy. Increases Stability. Improves recoil direction. Slightly decreases Handling Speed.
Trait 1.
Rampage - Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.
Exotic Trait.
Voice of the Taken.
This weapon fires explosive void rounds which on kills causes enemy targets to detonate in an area effect explosion.
Mother Savathun has given a new purpose to Aisa and she has taken me to be her voice for when we are to do our part in this war against the light.
saw Toland and others arriving that the door of the Hellmouth Aisa asked me to let them face Crotas brood and as her voice i will obey her.
it as been a long time but recently a fireteam arrived and killed Crota or so Aisa and Mother Savathun says and so me and Serkin are to prepare of the Taken kings arrival.
the rest of the text is written in some unknown dialect.

The Failing Light
Legendary shotgun belongs to Aisa.
Damage type: Void.
Precision Frame- Fires a single-slug round. This weapon's recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
Sight / Barrel.
Barrel Shroud - Balanced shotgun barrel.
Increases stability
Increases handling speed
Magazine / Battery.
Steady Rounds- This magazine is optimized for recoil control. Greatly increases stability. Slightly decreases range.
Combat Grip-This weapon causes much less vertical recoil.
Trait 1.
Rampage-Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.
i remember dying shortly after the Knight i took sword from and without my ghost i should have stayed dead instead i appeared in this dark bleak world of screams and i heard a voice calling to me or something inside me and i detected a small amount of loathing from it but also hints of curiosity of how i appeared there since i later learned from her was that i could have appeared in her Nephews throne world and not so close to her own.
i think i asked her her name and where i was and she told me her name Savathun and the Screams around us stilled and trembled as if Reality itself was vary of her and i felt the last vestiges of my light recoil in fear but for some reason i did not do the same. almost as if some part of me did not fear this creature.
after an unknown amount of time later i woke up with Serkin and Kalya standing above me they told me i had taken a bolt to the chest and seem to have died i told them i used the last of my light to bring myself back but in the back of my mind i knew it was a lie.

Exotic Sword belongs to Aisa
Damage: Void
Adaptive Frame - Well-rounded and reliable.
Blunted Edge - Increased sword damage.
Infinite Guard - Sword Guard has very high efficiency and balanced defense.
Tireless Blade - Powered sword kills grant sword ammo.
Exotic Trait.
By a Swords Logic - Kills with this weapon increases the damage of the next strike (stacking 5 times before resetting)
i feel like i am connected to the hive everytime i kill one of them with this sword and i have begun to change i have hid that my hand looks more like those of the hive Wizard then a normal Awoken though Mother Savathun has told my that us Awoken are beings made of that disgusting Light and Dark and she says the reason i am getting stronger is because i am following the Hives Sword Logic and she has told me where first met was my very small Ascendant realm and that it will grow bigger if i keep following the Sword Logic.
Ascendant realm has grown big Enough to be considered a Hive Prince and as such Mother Savathun has given me the title Aisa Eye of Savathun.
The King comes to Avenge his son and mother Savathun says i should offer up Kayla as tribute to The king. He Has taken her and Given back to me and i have chosen to give her the name Kalya the Hand of Aisa as she is to be the first of my own appendages and soon i can hopefully add Serkin aswell.

The Eye of Aisa
Exotic Hand Cannon belongs to Aisa
Damage: Solar
Precision Frame -Recoil pattern on this weapon is more predictably vertical. Fires quickly with high accuracy.
Sights/ Barrels
Arrowhead Brake - Light vented barrel. Greatly controls recoil. Increases handling speed.
Magazine / Battery.
Armor-Piercing Rounds - Rounds cause extra damage to shields and overpenetrate targets. Slightly increases range.
Heavy Grip - This grip is weighted for recoil control. Increases Stability. Decreases Handling speed
Kill Clip - Reloading after a kill grants increased damage.
Exotic Trait.
Fallen Light - Targets killed with Eye of Aisa explode into a small solar cloud which does area of effect damage for a shot time.(does more damage to Guardians and Taken.)
The reef is in ruins after The Deluded Prince followed The Voice of Riven but it did have its upsides it got us entry into the Dreaming City and us getting rid of the Lone Hunter. and now the Guardians hunt for Riven as Mother Savathun has planned.
Riven is dead or as dead as an Ahamkara can get and so the plans move forward Quria and Mother Savathuns Daughter Dul Incaru has been Sent to the Dreaming City, i asked why i could not go aswell she said i had another role to play i am looking forward to it but i did send Kalya off to keep and watch and make sure everthing goes at it should be.
Dul Incaru has died and so the Loop closes and the Guardians once again go to kill Riven and all of it Feeds Mother Savathuns power.
