Spec-ops Group Blackwatch

While BlackWatch were written down as a Spec-ops team they where really a Clandestine Black-ops team who operated under Captain Jackie Amari as its figurehead since she had a record that could be described as a boy-scout and she was placed in charge to keep the group under control. and the group itself where working under the radar and beyond the reach of any red tape. and its missions type where assassination, coercion, kidnapping and worse. and some recruits where outlaws and criminals. the only members who where listed as normal military personal where Captain Jackie Amari and her second in command Lieutenant Commander Loura Oxton who where given the authority to train the recruits up to the level of N4 Marines. and then their is there pilot one Jia Ling and her brother Sawada Ling who has joined up to repent for their family's long standing legacy as apart of the japanese yakuza
BlackWatch Roster.
Captain Jackie Amari N6 Marine and leader of Spec-ops alpha team and the head of BlackWatch.N6 (unknown to the alliance she on Cybele)
second in command Lieutenant Commander Loura Oxton.Field Medic.N6 (alive on the Citadel)
1st Lieutenant Olav Kolstad Born in Sweden and a criminal who was serving five life-time sentences in prison for killing 40 people and trained to the level of an N4 marine.Heavy Weapons specialist (Diseased)
2nd Lieutenant Félix Windels Born in Belgian and former criminal who was served 24 years in prison for having explosives in his home and was then trained to the level of an N3 marine. demolition expert (Diseased)
2nd Lieutenant Manuela Servi Born in Hungary was a former hacker who was caught stealing infomation from the Hungarian goverment and was given to BlackWatch when The Alliance Parliament was formed.Tech Specialist. N3 (Diseased)
2nd Lieutenant Marthe Gachet Born in Franch was a dishonorable discharged from the french military before it helped forming the Systems Alliance. died on a black-ops mission a few day into the first contact war. the Alpha Team Sniper N3 (Diseased)
sergeant Marius Baudelaire Born in Franch was about to be court martialed before he was transfered to Blackwatch he was originally placed on Zeta team but was would later replace Marthe Gachet as the Alpha Team Sniper. N2 (Diseased)
Lieutenant Commander Jesse May commander of Zeta-team of BlackWatch and born in the United States and was facing the noose because he was apart of a gang raiding military targets Trained to the level of N4 marine plus his own streets smarts. (assumed alive) last seen heading into the Skyllian Verge with Ashley Spencer. gunslinger and use a heavily modified .44 Magnum.
1st Lieutenant Siubhan Dunaidh born in Scottland and had 2 years left on her prison sentenece after Burglary 3rd degree with a firearm and having stolen for around 10.000 Pounds. forward scout. (alive fled earth to one of the new colonies.)
2nd Lieutenant Ranko Volinski came from russia even though his family is slavic and he spendt most of his younger years in one of the last russian gulags who was transformed into a prison where he was serving two life sentenece for an unknown amounts of murders and shared a cell with Stanek Kozlov. (Diseased)
2nd Lieutenant Stanek Kozlov. came from russia even though his family is slavic and he spendt most of his younger years in one of the last russian gulags who was transformed into a prison where he was serving nineteen life senteneces for 48 murders and shared a cell with Ranko Volinski. (last spotted on Mindoir)
2nd Lieutenant Rebecca Herz Born in Germany and was serving the year of her twelve twelve year prison sentence hacking and blackmailing and up and comming politician for money. (Diseased)
sergeant Marius Baudelaire Born in Franch was about to be court martialed before he was transfered to Blackwatch he was originally placed on Zeta team but was would later replace Marthe Gachet as the Alpha Team Sniper. (Diseased)
Lieutenant Commander Ashley Spencer Born in Britain was dishonorable discharged from the british military before it helped forming the Systems Alliance. (assumed alive) last seen heading into the Skyllian Verge with Jesse May. was trained as N4 but was accepted as N5
Staff Lieutenant Glumur Eldorsson born on Iceland and only have a few small charges of burglery on his record but was found to have a talent with a sniper rifle and serves as Theta and Zeta-team sniper after Marius Baudelaire transfer. N2 (Diseased)
1st Lieutenant Nadia Haik born in Egypt and serving a life time in prison for killing a former officer in the Egyptian military. N4 (has joined the eclipse mercenary group)
2nd Lieutenant Leonard Slepicka worked as a mercenary before he was recruited into blackwatch. N3 (joined the Blue suns 2164)
2nd Lieutenant Sawada Ling Born in Japan and joined Blackwatch to repent for his family's long standing legacy as apart of the japanese yakuza. N3 (assumed alive)
Staff Lieutenant Gabriella Reyes born in The United States trained to the level that is required for N6 Marine and the scientific expert. (Diseased)
Flight Lieutenant Jia Ling Born in Japan has basic N3 training and is the personal pilot for Black-ops Group Blackwatch: close range specialist. (assumed alive)
Reason for Disbanding the group.
one of the many reason for disbanding Blackwatch was because of Jackie Amari's death and Loura Oxton leaveing the Military but the biggest reason was for it was that all thier mission reports coming to light and the allegations of corruption, weapons proliferation and unsanctioned assassination, coercion, kidnapping, and human rights abuses such as torture. and it because of this that The Alliance Parliament are disbanding Blackwatch