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Jenni's Journal - Chapter 3


Day 15?:

At least I think that's what day it is... It's been hard to keep count since we got ambushed. I suppose I should start from the beginning...

Mischa and I were on an all time high after moving into the new apartment and my new job as a relic hunter was so perfect for us! Aureyn REALLY knows his stuff and is always talking about obscure rarities he's heard about, so our job was easy; just go out and follow the rumours Aureyn heard and return with the relic! We had seen a few good successes too - even one I found all by myself! Aureyn couldn't believe it when I told him that a gem I found in an old Nordic ruin spoke to me when I picked it up - asking to be returned to a shrine just east of Solitude. Well, we were heading that way anyhow so it didn't seem unreasonable to do as the, err, gem asked. How was I to know that it was actually the voice of Merdiia - the Daedric prince herself! Returning her 'beacon' to it's resting place I experienced the most surreal thing; flying high above Tamriel - higher than the birds even! Meridia spoke to me and asked for my help in removing a corruption from her temple; all I had to do was quell the undead and some evil necromancer controlling them! Mischa and I naturally made short work of them and laid the spirits of the dead to rest. Meridia was pleased and gifted me her blade - Dawnbreaker - for the effort too! I think I ran all the way back to Solitude I was so excited to show Aureyn the blade. He almost fainted when I told him what it was... he said that Daedric artifacts were the rarest of the rare and to have been bestowed the relic personally by the Daedric prince herself named me her champion?! He was scared though - scared of it's power, scared of having it in the museum for this was no mere curiosity but an artifact of legend - something that certain people would stop at nothing to lay hands upon. We decided to invest in extra security for the museum and he even had the idea to keep the real artifact locked away somewhere safe while displaying a replica of it - the public would never know the difference and we could keep things nice and safe, it was perfect!

But I'm rambling, trying to lose myself in the fond memories and forget my present surroundings. After placing Dawnbreaker in a prideful display, Mischa and I set out once more and were enjoying a sunset walk through the tundra's west of Whiterun when it happened... This big Orc guy dressed in all priest robes came running up in a panic and begging for aid. I instantly felt sympathy for the troubled man and tried to calm him so we could help but he lied... before I knew what had happened I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and as I fell unconscious I'm sure heard a yelp from Mischa...

When I eventually woke I felt... strange. I was locked in a cell with a bunch of other folks; Khajit, Argonian, Nord, even one I think was an Imperial. They all looked confused and scared too, but at the same time somewhat out of it. All my gear had been stripped away and I - like the others - wore nothing but some old rags. It still sickens me to think of that Orc - or anyone - handling my unconscious body to strip me and replace my clothes... The Orc returned a short time later and told us that we were now slaves going to market. I was mortified but felt... restrained from acting. He must have seen my confusion and said that the feeling we were all experienced owed to this cursed amulet now hanging from neck; said it sapped our will and resolve to make us good slaves...


Then they marched us out to the auction. To be paraded around like that - poked and shoved unceremoniously like cattle - it was humiliating! I don't know how this strange amulet works - my mind feels itself just... disconnected from my body, like I can scream and try to run but my body would not react. But it did react to their direction and I soon found myself standing before a crowd of buyers alongside the Argonian - who also just stood blankly staring out across the room. They were mostly Dunmer which I guess explains the strange surroundings and the weird bony looking armour that the guards wore - we must be in Morrowind...

The Argonian didn't even survive the auction. Nobody wanted him it seems and so they cut him down right where he stood - I'm sure I even heard one of the crowd brazenly comment that he'd at least make a nice purse! What kind of monsters were we dealing with here? I was terrified and my mind screamed to run away but my body... just stood there as I watched with a blank expression on my face like the mindless cattle I was now being treated as... Then came my turn and, well, I guess females are popular, or maybe it is because I am Mer and they have some sadistic pleasure in doing this to their kin; neither thought is overly comforting, though I at least did not have to worry about sharing the Argonian's fate. My bidding raced competitively with the final call coming from an old Dunmer in the crowd, I already felt sick at what he had planned for me...

Shortly after the auction I felt my mind slip once more and my eyes fell shut. When I awoke - no idea how much time later - I was in this cell where I sit now. I'm racing to jot down everything I can while it's fresh. This old parchment is not my real journal, but I will reconcile when I find it again. And I WILL find it again! It's dark and cold in this place, and the whole room looks as weird as it smells; it reminds me of a mossy old cave we laid some wolves to rest in...

I am all alone now and in the hands of a strange Dunmer who believes he owns me. Well my body may be subjugated but my mind is still intact and I will find a way to escape! But I hear footsteps, I think he's coming now - I can already feel my body willing to rise ready to meet it's new master. I'm scared... I miss Mischa...

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