F.S.V. Eon

Modified Risian Corvette

CLASS | Eon [modified] | DESIGNATION | Orbital Interceptor |
REFIT TIME | TBD (Prototype build) | RESUPPLY TIME | Negligible |
LENGTH | 18.06 metres | BEAM | 11.54 metres |
HEIGHT | 4.88 metres | DECKS | 1 |
MASS | 19,200kg | CARGO CAPACITY | 8,600KG |
CREW | 1 | CIVILIANS | 0 |
ENERGY WEAPONS | Two forward pulse phaser heavy cannons |
HULL | Ablative hull plating; unknown alloy |
ENGINE CONFIGURATION | Element One power cell |
CRUISING SPEED | 64,000 KM/s | MAXIMUM CAPACITY | 102,000 KM/s |
SENSORS | Unknown type; tactical array mounted under the main fuselage with bilateral targeting sensors mounted independently on each cannon. |
NAVIGATIONAL DEFLECTOR | Unknown configuration |
X-01 'Eon' is a prototype orbital interceptor developed by the Human colonists of Forged Earth; named for it's revolutionary power system which utilizes the recently discovered 'Element One' or E:On mineral (currently hypothesized by Starfleet engineers to be a unique material to the stellar conditions present in their home system). Though lacking in warp capability, the underdeveloped prototype power cell is theorized as being capable of supporting warp speed. The ship was designed to perform orbital defense functionality and as such possesses superior sub-light speed and maneuverability, with early trials indicating that at top speed it can outrun a Federation starship at full impulse. Whilst at lower - combat - velocities, the vessel is capable of performing tight maneuvering within it's own beam.

The Eon's unprecedented maneuverability is augmented by it's unique control system. Unlike Starfleet small craft; this vessel presents no discernible tactile interfaces within the cockpit, save for a minimum array of emergency backup systems. Instead the pilot exercises fine control over the vessel through use of an neural interface incorporated into the flight helmet. The perceptual feedback and reaction ratio resultant from this system is estimated to be approximately 2.7x that of a comparative Peregrine fighter. The unique interface works both ways, as the pilots field of view is also presented entirely as an external range from the cockpit hood, with system information displayed through an overlay of the projected image. Starfleet engineers reported a highly disorientated sensation when previewing this arrangement.
In order to counter the extreme maneuverability of the Eon - particularly within atmospheric conditions, as the ship is also designed to perform in - the pilot is housed within a fully gyroscopic seat. The pilots seat also notably incorporates manual fire control for the ship's main cannons through independent joystick controls; a requirement to capitalize on the independent targeting arc of each cannon which is reported to be +/- 15 degrees lat. & long. The overall gyroscopic assembly also serves as the evacuation mechanism, with a deploy-able short term energy shield erecting around it's frame in the event of the cockpit seal being broken or resulting from an ejection.
As part of ongoing efforts linked to the Forged Earth exchange program, Starfleet engineers aboard the USS Valley Forge (where the Eon is presently assigned) have worked with the Eon's pilot to create a holodeck simulation program in the hopes of training additional personnel to a level of competence with the Eon's unique control system (Pictured below alongside original schematic presented by the FE pilot - FLT J. Baelai as part of the training proposal)
As advanced as the Eon is, Starfleet engineers have identified a number of areas of potential modification to adapt the Eon for deployment aboard a Federation starship;
Research 'Element One' and explore power cell efficiency improvements. Possible expanded research to investigate potential of reaching warp speeds.
Reinforce Eon defense system with energy shielding.
Develop mountable tactical pods to expand on mission support capability. Initial outline proposal is for a pair of independent pods to be manufactured (one for dorsal mounting, one ventral); one of which can be adapted to house either quantum torpedoes or mission support probes, while the other is proposed as a long range communications & sensor hub to facilitate remote scouting capability.
