Caledonian / Xailvian TO&E
Table of Organisation and Equipment
Below is a list of the TO&E's for Caledonian and Xailvian forces.
MP = Manpower
TNK = Tanks
ART = Artillery Pieces
MECH = Mechanized
Regiment / Battalion (III / II) {Tactical Unit}
Infantry Battalion (II)
Total - 3888 {FOOT} MP // 4614 {MECH} MP, 8 ART
1 Battalion HQ (247 MP)
Battalion HQ Unit (33 MP)
Headquarters and Headquarters Company (214 MP)
5 Infantry Companies (2650 {FOOT} MP // 3280 {MECH} MP)
1 Weapons Company (582 {FOOT} MP // 678 {MECH} MP)
1 Battalion Support Company (409 MP, 8 ART)
Armour Squadron (II)
Scout Battalion (II)
Engineer Battalion (II)
Armour Regiment (III)
Artillery Regiment (III)
Support Company ( I ) {Operational Unit}
Headquarters and Headquarters Company (I)
Total - 214 MP
1 HHC Officer Commanding/Adjutant (~Captain)
1 Personnel Officer (~Captain)
4 Scribes
6 Personnel Clerks
1 Intelligence Officer (~Captain)
4 Intelligence Analysts
1 Operations Officer (~Major)
4 Operations Planners
1 Logistics Officer (~Captain)
8 Quartermasters
1 Plans Officer (~Major)
4 Combat Operation Planners
1 Communications Officer (~Capt)
6 Signallers/Vox-Operators
1 Medical Officer (~Capt)
2 Medical Sections (16 MP)
1 Surgeon
4 Orderlies
1 Medical Chimera Transport (3 MP)
4 Priests
2 Tech-Priest Teams (22 MP)
1 Tech-Priest
4 Servitors
1 Chimera Transport (3 MP)
1 Trojan Support Vehicle (3 MP)
1 Atlas Recovery Tank (3 MP)
4 Forward Observer Teams (4 MP per / 16 MP tot)
1 Forward Observer (~2Lt)
1 Signaller/Vox-Op
2 Troopers
2 Recon Troops (38 MP per / 76 MP tot)
2 Sentinel Section (3 MP per / 6 MP tot)
3 Sentinels - Cadian Pattern
2 Salamander Sections (16 MP per / 32 MP tot)
4 Salamander Scout Tanks (4 MP per)
1 IFV Squadron (36 MP)
12 Chimeras (3 MP per)
Battalion HQ Unit (•••)
Battalion Support Company (I)
Infantry Company HQ (•••)
Armour Squadron HQ (I)
Armour Regiment HQ (I)
Infantry Company ( I ) {Operational Unit}
Infantry Company (I)
Total - 530 {FOOT} MP // 656 {MECH} MP
Infantry Company HQ (50 MP)
5 Infantry Platoons (56 MP per / 280 MP tot)
1 Platoon Command Section (5 MP)
1 Platoon Commander (~2ndLt)
1 Platoon Sergeant (~Staff Sergeant)
1 Signaller/Vox-Op
1 Medic
1 Special Weapon Gunner
5 Infantry Sections (10 MP per / 50 MP tot)
1 Section Leader (~Sgt)
1 Assistant Section Leader (~Cpl)
1 Signaller/Vox-Op
1 Special Weapon Gunner
1 Combat Life Saver
1 Designated Marksman
4 Troopers
1 Heavy Weapons Platoon (78 MP)
1 Weapons Platoon Command Section (6 MP)
1 Platoon Commander (~2ndLt)
1 Platoon Sergeant (~GySgt)
1 Signaller/Vox-Op
1 Medic
2 Ammo Bearers
2 Mortar Sections (12 MP per / 24 MP tot)
1 Heavy Weapons Section Command Team (6 MP)
1 Section Leader (~SSgt)
1 Signaller/Vox-Op
2 Ammo Bearers
2 Forward Observers
3 Mortar Teams (2 MP per / 6 MP tot)
1 Gunner
1 Assistant
2 Anti-Tank Sections (24 MP tot)
1 Heavy Weapons Section Command Team (6 MP)
3 Anti-Tank Teams (2 MP per / 6 MP tot)
2 Fire Support Sections (24 MP tot)
1 Heavy Weapons Section Command Team (6 MP)
3 Fire Support Teams (2 MP per / 6 MP tot)
1 Recon Troop (38 MP)
2 Sentinel Sections (3 MP per / 6 MP tot)
2 Salamander Sections (16 MP per / 32 MP tot)
1 IFV Support Squadron (84 MP)
1 Assault Troop (36 MP tot)
2 Hellhound Sections (12 MP per / 24 MP tot)
4 Hellhounds (3 MP per)
1 Devil Dog Section (12 MP)
4 Devil Dogs (3 MP per)
1 Support Troop
3 Griffon Sections (16 MP per / 48 MP tot)
4 Griffons (4 MP per)
{MECH} 1 IFV Transport Squadron (126 MP)
Company HQ
6 Chimeras (3 MP per / 18 MP tot)
5 Infantry Platoons (90 MP tot)
6 Chimeras (18 MP)
1 Heavy Weapons Platoon
6 Chimeras (18 MP)
Weapons Company (I)
Scout Company (I)
Vehicle Company ( I ) {Operational Unit}
Armour Company (I)
Total - 216 MP, 20 TNK
1 Armour Company Command Element (24 MP)
1 Leman Russ Vanquisher - Mars Pattern
1 Leman Russ Battle Tank
1 Leman Russ Eradicator
1 Leman Russ Exterminator
3 Armour Battle Troops (72 MP tot)
4 Leman Russ Battle Tanks (24 MP)
1 Leman Russ Annihilator
3 Leman Russ Battle Tanks
1 Armour Support Troop (24 MP tot)
4 Leman Russ Support Tanks
2 Leman Russ Eradicator/Demolisher/Punisher
2 Leman Russ Exterminators
2 Recon Troops (76 MP tot)
2 Sentinel Sections
2 Salamander Sections
1 Anti-Air Troop (20 MP)
1 Hydra Section (20 MP tot)
4 Hydras (5 MP per)